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The Basics

Do people blog anymore? I used to do so religiously, but that was possibly in a simpler time (the early 2000s). But maybe, like fashions from the 90s, it is poised to make a comeback. If so we can all say I was ahead of the trend.

Here is what you should know about me. I currently live in Portugal, having moved here about six months ago from Marietta, Georgia. In my past life (a solid fifteen years ago), I was a kindergarten teacher. Then, I stayed home with my first child, and time just...passed.

I went from a baby to a baby and a toddler to two small school-age kids to two kids who could at least do some things on their own. And I was still busy because somehow even with kids in school I managed to have a full to do list, but I also found myself wanting something more. And I decided to write a book.

While I am not sure entirely what this blog will be about, I do know I will talk about writing and living abroad and, more likely, my dog and my kids since anyone who actually knows me knows that I am obsessed. So welcome.

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